Cat Auburn completed the final year of a Master of Fine Art (distinction) in the 2015/2016 academic year at the BxNU Institute, a unique postgraduate course delivered by Northumbria University in partnership with BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art (UK). ‘Heaton Methodist Church’ is a formal sculptural experiment during this period of research in early 2016. As a New Zealand national, Auburn found it unusual to have ready access to stone architecture older than 200 years.
Cat Auburn (2016). Heaton Methodist Church. mixed media. photo: Cat Auburn
Cat Auburn (2016). Heaton Methodist Church. stone, Himalayan rock salt. photo: Cat Auburn
Cat Auburn (2016). Heaton Methodist Church. stone, white sugar. photo: Cat Auburn
Cat Auburn (2016). Heaton Methodist Church. stone, brown sugar. photo: Cat Auburn
Cat Auburn (2016). Heaton Methodist Church. stone, Himalayan rock salt. photo: Cat Auburn